Welcome to NightFox

This is my personal website. I'm Travis, but NightFox has been my handle since the AOL days. You can follow me on Mastodon: @travis@nodespace.social

You can read my blog for more quips and thoughts. I may post some articles and guides here rather than on my blog.

I'm a fan of "old school" web design. I just like simple. I'm still updating and transitioning this site from my old one.

Buy my books!

I wrote a book about cPanel and WHM. You should give them a read!

Buy "The Ultimate cPanel Guide" on Amazon
Buy "The Ultimate WHM Guide" on Amazon

Recent Articles

Big Tech, Big Problems (August 15, 2024)

Website Updates (August 05, 2024)

My First Mac (July 28, 2024)

I Wrote a DOT Hours of Service Calculator (June 06, 2024)

Build Your Own Website (Again) (June 01, 2024)